Friday, June 14, 2013

The Lonely Life of a Fire Wife

I'm sure many of you have felt lonely when your Firefighter was on shift, off on training, taking extra overtime, or even when they are just off on a call (if they are a volunteer).  Well, speaking from the volunteer point of view, life can be very lonely.  I swear I have seen my firefighter only when waking up in the morning, or for a few hours in the evening, if I'm lucky.  He's been so busy with work (we own our own business) and then fire calls, and EMT class.  I sometimes wonder if I even have a husband!  HAHA  Today he will be gone for the majority of the day...possibly into the night.  He's left on a job (computer job) in a nearby town about 45 minutes away.  This job has the potential to take all day and most of the night.  Normally, I would be ok with that, but today it just feels lonely.  I haven't had time with my firefighter in a while.  I'm really starting to miss him.  Don't get me wrong, this is nothing compared to being a military wife.  I was one of those for 10 years.  Let's just say I spent the majority of that marriage alone due to deployments.  So, if your firefighter is in the military, I totally understand that life, too.  I think the difference for me is that this marriage, to my firefighter, is so much different than my military marriage was.  I was almost relieved when my Air Force husband would go on deployment.  LOL  I actually MISS my firefighter, though.  We are very close and used to spending 24/7 together.  It's like a big hole is left when he isn't around...something you can't a huge elephant in the room.  I guess because it is so noticeable, that makes it seem worse.

So what do you do with your time when YOUR firefighter isn't home?  Me, I blog...obviously.  I play Candy Crush...yes, I'm addicted, too!  I clean house...because this is the only time that it can get done without getting undone  Sometimes, I spend time with family if I can.  Sometimes, friends come by and hang out with me.  Today, it's blogging, Facebook, and cleaning.  I might work with the puppies (there are 7 of them) some, today, too.  It's time to start training them to sit, stay, lay down, etc.  They are 2 months old, now.  I wish that I could get together with some of my fellow fire wives today, but I am stuck at home with no truck.  Oh the lonely life of a fire wife!  LOL 

I hope all of you ladies have a wonderful weekend!  Some of my fellow fire wives are taking a trip down to New Braunfels, TX to have a BBQ and a Float (floating down the river in an inner tube)!  I wish like crazy I could go!  What fun it would be!  That would definitely be the way to spend a day away from the FF!  Can you imagine a bunch of us crazy gals together floating down the river drinking?  LOL  Watch out world!  New Braunfels may never be the same!  HAHA

So, if you are a lonely Texas fire wife, maybe you should join our little group of sisters.  You can find us on Facebook!  Our group name is Texas Firefighter Wives.  I'd love to see you there!

Well, off to wash the dishes, I go.  Yo ho!  Yo ho!  Yo ho!  It's the Fire Wife Life For ME!


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